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Diet And Exercise


Diet And Exercise
Dr Nidhi Singh has over 25 years of experience practicing homeopathic medicine.
Like preventive medicine, diet is another form of prevention where eating and keeping healthy is a good way to build a body's immunity. Diet is essential for the sustenance and growth of the body. It protects one against many chronic noncommunicable diseases, such as heart disease, diabetes and cancer. Diet varies from disease to disease and it is crucial to stay healthy and maintain the mandated and correct diets in order to ensure maximum protection from diseases.
Children with a poor diet run the risk of growth and development issues and poor academic performance. Furthermore, the formation of bad eating habits can persist for the rest of their lives. The maintenance of a healthy diet is vital for people of all ages.
However, not all diets are suitable for different illnesses and a specific diet and meal plan should be maintained to help the body to fight off the disease and build its immunity back up. Similarly, exercise plays a crucial part in the maintenance of one’s immune system, with several specific exercises needed to be conducted during a period of illness and when suffering a particular disease. Healthy diet and regular exercise is important for well-being.
Maintain good eating habits and exercise patterns from childhood. Preventive diet plans and exercise schedules should be explored, keeping in mind the pre-disposed disease makeup. Once a disease has been set in, necessary altered diets and specific exercise schedules should be followed.